First of all, if you are reading this…thank you. Many of you have been with us right from the start and I have always felt that loyality is a two way street. I hope you will take this information that is being made available to MEARS Members only as my way of saying thank you.

Like any project, this one had to begin someplace. I refer to at least this portion of my larger study of Adirondack Professional Model Bats 1950s-1960’s as an update because that is what it is. I took a look at the players and associated models listed in both Bats and the MastroNet Vintage Guide and this has served as point of departure. The biggest advantage I have had over these other two previous efforts is that of time and scope. Bats was published in 1995 and the MastroNet Guide came out in 2001, so even by the later publication date I have been afforded another seven years of material and hobby wide offerings to consider. Also, my scope is much more narrow so I have been able to focus a bit more on the topic at hand.

I bring this up as some may see efforts like this as a veiled attempt to take shots at previous works and authors. Please know this is not the case as I consider that to be unproductive and unprofessional. My point is, that in my experience over the past decade in this hobby/industry, there is a prevalent tendency for collectors to become complacent about research once something has been published. Even worse are those cases and instances when things have just been assumed because “that’s what I’ve always been told.” By and large, all the things I do and write about could be done by just about anyone who is willing to invest the time and some money in references and research. This is not a lecture, but a call to each collector to begin to do original or detailed and expanded research on those things that interest them…and yes, publish what you have found out and subject it to scrutiny of a larger community.

Below you will find new information on over 100 players and 130 associated models. When I looked at both Bats and the MastroNet Guide, I originally found information on some 41 players and some 71 associated models. There is much more information in both of these works, but my effort is only focused the period of the 1950s and 1960s. Why? Because this is the period that interests me and for no other reason. With this updated listing below, the new players and models are the ones show in bold. The * indicates an Adirondack endorser. In cases where no model is shown for the player, the identification as such was the result of their listing in either a catalog, related Adirondack advertising product or image.

With respect to the C&D model bats listed, collectors are encouraged to form their own opinions about what they are or are not. My research does not support the notion that they were offered in the retail catalogs or that they are not made from professional grade lumber (See previous articles on this subject).

Aaron, Henry: 63A, 63B, 82D, 220A, 229A, 289D

*Adcock, Joe: 73V, 94A

Allen, Richie: 246R, 246RA, 194 VP

Alou, Jesus: 234A

Alou, Matty: 113B

*Anderson, Hary: 198A

Aparicio, Luis: 155A

Ashburn, Richie: 137B

Bailey, Bob: 22A

Banks, Ernie: 113A

Battey, Earl: 194A

*Bauer, Hank: 4X, 113A, 04C, 282C

Berra, Yogi: 06A

Blefary, Curt: 230A

Blanchard, John: 57A

*Blatnick, Johny:

*Boone, Ray (Ike): 84C

Boyer, Clete: 57A, 63A

Boyer, Ken: 29X, 100A, 129X

Bench, Johnny: 220A

*Bridges, Rocky: 155

Brock, Lou: 119B, 155B

*Brown, Dick 176A

Burgess, Smokey: 113A

Carew, Rod: 224A, 381B

*Carty, Rico: 331V

Cepeda, Orlando: 76X, 114A, 114B, 153X, 155A, 246A, 307C

Cerv, Bob: 194X

Clendenon, Don: 194VP

Clemente, Roberto: 113A, 129X, 194RW

Colavito, Rocky: 194A, 301D

Cook, Cliff: 168A

*Crandell, Dell: 114A, 79A

*Dark, Al: 129X, 127D

Davis, Tommy: 113A

*Davenport, Jim: 276D

Demeter, Don: 158B

*Doby, Larry:

Dropo, Walt: 135B

*Elliot, Bob:

*Ennis, Del: 72A

*Farley, Bob: 113A

Flood, Curt: 236B

Foiles, Hank: 113A

*Fondy, Dee: 52C

Ford, Whitey: 24C

Furillo, Carl: 118A

Fox, Nellie: 156B

*Garagiola, Joe: 73A, 73B

*Geiger, Gary:

*Green, Len

Groat, Dick: 94A

Haller, Tom: 245X

Harrelson, Ken: 63A

*Harrington, Mickey: 04V

*Hamner, Granny:

Hansen, Ron: 82V

*Harper, Tommy: 320B

*Hart, Jim: 332A, 332C

Held, Woodie: 192HE

*Hemus, Solly:

*Hodges, Gil: 106, 106A, 106E, 123, 123C

Howard, Elston:

Howard, Frank: 194A

*Hunter, Bill: 88D

Jackson, Reggie: 170B, 288A, 288RJ, JAX44

Johnson, Deron: 310X

Jones, Cleon: 194X, 194VP

*Jones, Willie: 58A

Kaline, Al: 21B, 21C, 89K, 113A, 210C, 225K

*Kanehl, Rod: 04C

Killebrew, Harmon: 21C, 146B, 176A, 194VP

*Kirkland, Willie: 201B

Kluszewski, Ted: 129A

Kranepool, Ed: 194A

*Kubek, Tony: 113B, 114A, 197B, 215C

Kuenn, Harvey: 143C

*Landis, Jim: 243A, 282C

*Larker, Norm: 011E, 011B, 011C

*Lemon, Jim:

Linz, Phil: 89A

*Lipon, Johnny:

Mantle, Mickey: 63A, 89B, 113A, 206A, 288C, 288D

Maris, Roger: 124A, 135RM, 307C, 307D

Martin, Billy: 72A

*Martin, J.C.: 309D

Mathews, Eddie: 63X, 79A, 94X, 113A

*Mays, Willie: 63A, 113A, 282A, 282C, 282D, M63

Mazeroski, Bill: 113A, 194A

*McAnany, Jim:

McCarver, Tim 113B

McBride, Ken: 288C

*McCovey, Willie: 113A, 155A, 160B, 194A, 216D, 246A, 288RJ

McDougald, Gil: 72A

Motta, Manny: 257B

Morgan, Joe: 369B

Musial, Stan: 15B, 15C, 15D, 15V, 57B, 73B

Niarhos, Gus: 137B

Niekro, Phil: 194VP

*O’Connell, Danny

Oliva, Tony: 176A, 194A

Oliver, Nate: 303C

*Pearson, Albie: O3C

Pepitone, Joe: 225A

Piersall, Jimmy: 113A

*Pinson, Vada: 018VP, 192A, 194VP, 018D

Robinson, Brooks: 160B, 210A, 320A, 320B

Robinson, Frank: 170A, 194VP

Robinson, Jackie: 111A

Rojas, Cookie: 79A

*Rollins, Rich: 314D

Reese, Pee Wee: 136B

Rose, Pete: 69A, 113A, 113X, 269A

*Roseboro, John: 224A, 318 V

*Santo, Ron: 113B, 305C

*Schofield, Dick: 208B

Schoendienst, Red: 52A, 94A, 256 B

*Shepard, Jack:

Siebern, Norm: 73A

*Sievers, Roy: 282C

Sims, Duke: 149A

Skowran, Moose: 194X

Smith, Bob: 113B

*Smith, Hal:

Snider, Duke: 187A

*Spencer, Daryl: 100A

Stargell, Willie: 194VP, 194X, 303X

Staub, Rusty: 265B

Stephens (Vern or Gene) 282C (Vault Marked by H&B as J56)

Stuart, Dick: 113X

Tasby, Willie: 21C

*Tappe, Elvin: 113B

Taylor, Bob (Hawk): 138A, 169A

*Torre, Joe: 94A, 129A

*Thomas, Lee:

*Thompson, Bob:

Veale, Bob: 129A

*Wertz, Vic: 185A

Williams, Ted: 175A

White, Bill: 94A, 224A

Wills, Maury: 194B, 240B

If you have an Adirondack bat from the 1950s or 1960s that does not appear on this listing, I would love to hear from you so that it may be added to a latter update. This has been a wonderful project and I am deeply indebted to collector Joe Petrole for his passion on this subject and his willingness to share information. My work on the history of the McLaughlin-Millard Company is moving a bit slower than I had hoped, but I did manage to speak with Hal Schumacher’s (Director of Sales: late 40s to 1950s) former executive secretary. She has been a delight to correspond with and this area I would to be able to devote more attention to in the future.

As always, collect what you enjoy and enjoy what you collect… and oh yea, consider enjoying researching and writing…if you do, you will find you enjoy what you have even more.

Dave Grob

For questions or comments on this article, please feel free to drop me a line at

First of all, if you are reading this…thank you. Many of you have been with us right from the start and I have always felt that loyality is a two way street. I hope you will take this information that is being made available to MEARS Members only as my way of saying thank you.

Like any project, this one had to begin someplace. I refer to at least this portion of my larger study of Adirondack Professional Model Bats 1950s-1960’s as an update because that is what it is. I took a look at the players and associated models listed in both Bats and the MastroNet Vintage Guide and this has served as point of departure. The biggest advantage I have had over these other two previous efforts is that of time and scope. Bats was published in 1995 and the MastroNet Guide came out in 2001, so even by the later publication date I have been afforded another seven years of material and hobby wide offerings to consider. Also, my scope is much more narrow so I have been able to focus a bit more on the topic at hand.

I bring this up as some may see efforts like this as a veiled attempt to take shots at previous works and authors. Please know this is not the case as I consider that to be unproductive and unprofessional. My point is, that in my experience over the past decade in this hobby/industry, there is a prevalent tendency for collectors to become complacent about research once something has been published. Even worse are those cases and instances when things have just been assumed because “that’s what I’ve always been told.” By and large, all the things I do and write about could be done by just about anyone who is willing to invest the time and some money in references and research. This is not a lecture, but a call to each collector to begin to do original or detailed and expanded research on those things that interest them…and yes, publish what you have found out and subject it to scrutiny of a larger community.

Below you will find new information on over 100 players and 130 associated models. When I looked at both Bats and the MastroNet Guide, I originally found information on some 41 players and some 71 associated models. There is much more information in both of these works, but my effort is only focused the period of the 1950s and 1960s. Why? Because this is the period that interests me and for no other reason. With this updated listing below, the new players and models are the ones show in bold. The * indicates an Adirondack endorser. In cases where no model is shown for the player, the identification as such was the result of their listing in either a catalog, related Adirondack advertising product or image.

With respect to the C&D model bats listed, collectors are encouraged to form their own opinions about what they are or are not. My research does not support the notion that they were offered in the retail catalogs or that they are not made from professional grade lumber (See previous articles on this subject).

Aaron, Henry: 63A, 63B, 82D, 220A, 229A, 289D

*Adcock, Joe: 73V, 94A

Allen, Richie: 246R, 246RA, 194 VP

Alou, Jesus: 234A

Alou, Matty: 113B

*Anderson, Hary: 198A

Aparicio, Luis: 155A

Ashburn, Richie: 137B

Bailey, Bob: 22A

Banks, Ernie: 113A

Battey, Earl: 194A

*Bauer, Hank: 4X, 113A, 04C, 282C

Berra, Yogi: 06A

Blefary, Curt: 230A

Blanchard, John: 57A

*Blatnick, Johny:

*Boone, Ray (Ike): 84C

Boyer, Clete: 57A, 63A

Boyer, Ken: 29X, 100A, 129X

Bench, Johnny: 220A

*Bridges, Rocky: 155

Brock, Lou: 119B, 155B

*Brown, Dick 176A

Burgess, Smokey: 113A

Carew, Rod: 224A, 381B

*Carty, Rico: 331V

Cepeda, Orlando: 76X, 114A, 114B, 153X, 155A, 246A, 307C

Cerv, Bob: 194X

Clendenon, Don: 194VP

Clemente, Roberto: 113A, 129X, 194RW

Colavito, Rocky: 194A, 301D

Cook, Cliff: 168A

*Crandell, Dell: 114A, 79A

*Dark, Al: 129X, 127D

Davis, Tommy: 113A

*Davenport, Jim: 276D

Demeter, Don: 158B

*Doby, Larry:

Dropo, Walt: 135B

*Elliot, Bob:

*Ennis, Del: 72A

*Farley, Bob: 113A

Flood, Curt: 236B

Foiles, Hank: 113A

*Fondy, Dee: 52C

Ford, Whitey: 24C

Furillo, Carl: 118A

Fox, Nellie: 156B

*Garagiola, Joe: 73A, 73B

*Geiger, Gary:

*Green, Len

Groat, Dick: 94A

Haller, Tom: 245X

Harrelson, Ken: 63A

*Harrington, Mickey: 04V

*Hamner, Granny:

Hansen, Ron: 82V

*Harper, Tommy: 320B

*Hart, Jim: 332A, 332C

Held, Woodie: 192HE

*Hemus, Solly:

*Hodges, Gil: 106, 106A, 106E, 123, 123C

Howard, Elston:

Howard, Frank: 194A

*Hunter, Bill: 88D

Jackson, Reggie: 170B, 288A, 288RJ, JAX44

Johnson, Deron: 310X

Jones, Cleon: 194X, 194VP

*Jones, Willie: 58A

Kaline, Al: 21B, 21C, 89K, 113A, 210C, 225K

*Kanehl, Rod: 04C

Killebrew, Harmon: 21C, 146B, 176A, 194VP

*Kirkland, Willie: 201B

Kluszewski, Ted: 129A

Kranepool, Ed: 194A

*Kubek, Tony: 113B, 114A, 197B, 215C

Kuenn, Harvey: 143C

*Landis, Jim: 243A, 282C

*Larker, Norm: 011E, 011B, 011C

*Lemon, Jim:

Linz, Phil: 89A

*Lipon, Johnny:

Mantle, Mickey: 63A, 89B, 113A, 206A, 288C, 288D

Maris, Roger: 124A, 135RM, 307C, 307D

Martin, Billy: 72A

*Martin, J.C.: 309D

Mathews, Eddie: 63X, 79A, 94X, 113A

*Mays, Willie: 63A, 113A, 282A, 282C, 282D, M63

Mazeroski, Bill: 113A, 194A

*McAnany, Jim:

McCarver, Tim 113B

McBride, Ken: 288C

*McCovey, Willie: 113A, 155A, 160B, 194A, 216D, 246A, 288RJ

McDougald, Gil: 72A

Motta, Manny: 257B

Morgan, Joe: 369B

Musial, Stan: 15B, 15C, 15D, 15V, 57B, 73B

Niarhos, Gus: 137B

Niekro, Phil: 194VP

*O’Connell, Danny

Oliva, Tony: 176A, 194A

Oliver, Nate: 303C

*Pearson, Albie: O3C

Pepitone, Joe: 225A

Piersall, Jimmy: 113A

*Pinson, Vada: 018VP, 192A, 194VP, 018D

Robinson, Brooks: 160B, 210A, 320A, 320B

Robinson, Frank: 170A, 194VP

Robinson, Jackie: 111A

Rojas, Cookie: 79A

*Rollins, Rich: 314D

Reese, Pee Wee: 136B

Rose, Pete: 69A, 113A, 113X, 269A

*Roseboro, John: 224A, 318 V

*Santo, Ron: 113B, 305C

*Schofield, Dick: 208B

Schoendienst, Red: 52A, 94A, 256 B

*Shepard, Jack:

Siebern, Norm: 73A

*Sievers, Roy: 282C

Sims, Duke: 149A

Skowran, Moose: 194X

Smith, Bob: 113B

*Smith, Hal:

Snider, Duke: 187A

*Spencer, Daryl: 100A

Stargell, Willie: 194VP, 194X, 303X

Staub, Rusty: 265B

Stephens (Vern or Gene) 282C (Vault Marked by H&B as J56)

Stuart, Dick: 113X

Tasby, Willie: 21C

*Tappe, Elvin: 113B

Taylor, Bob (Hawk): 138A, 169A

*Torre, Joe: 94A, 129A

*Thomas, Lee:

*Thompson, Bob:

Veale, Bob: 129A

*Wertz, Vic: 185A

Williams, Ted: 175A

White, Bill: 94A, 224A

Wills, Maury: 194B, 240B

If you have an Adirondack bat from the 1950s or 1960s that does not appear on this listing, I would love to hear from you so that it may be added to a latter update. This has been a wonderful project and I am deeply indebted to collector Joe Petrole for his passion on this subject and his willingness to share information. My work on the history of the McLaughlin-Millard Company is moving a bit slower than I had hoped, but I did manage to speak with Hal Schumacher’s (Director of Sales: late 40s to 1950s) former executive secretary. She has been a delight to correspond with and this area I would to be able to devote more attention to in the future.

As always, collect what you enjoy and enjoy what you collect… and oh yea, consider enjoying researching and writing…if you do, you will find you enjoy what you have even more.

Dave Grob

For questions or comments on this article, please feel free to drop me a line at

A few weeks back I wrote a piece on Adirondack C & D Model bats. In it, I took issue with some long held and frequently espoused opinions about these bats being store model bats or those being manufactured for minor league or college use, namely:

1. “These products were available through retail catalog sales to the general public.”

2. “The quality of the wood is not professional grade first growth Northern White Ash” and or “they were produced for minor league players, minor league teams, and colleges.”

To me it seems much more plausible to consider the C & D Model bats the equivalent of the H&B/Louisville Slugger “Index Bats.” This is a commonly used term, but it is not found in of glossary or terms in the Bushing/Knoll MastroNet Guide, the PSA Glossary of Bat Terms, nor in Vince Malta’s latest work. The Hillerich and Bradsby team order sheets contain countless references to “See Index”. For the Hall of Famers listed in Vince Malta’s latest book, Vince has done a great job listing the Pro Stock Model for each of the players and has included a very detailed definition for Pro Stock Model bats.

Logic dictates that for an “index order” to have been filled, that order would have to been placed against some listing or “index”. This index could have been a listing of either popular or Pro Stock Models for various players. Team orders show entries for players that may not have played for the team ordering them or even those players whose playing days had long since passed. In any event, team orders have come to be known as “Team Index Orders” or “Index Bats” for short. I checked with a few folks and Vince Malta,Mike Specht, and John Taube were kind enough to reply with some points of clarification. This was not surprising as I have always found these gentlemen very good about sharing information and thoughts.

Vince informed me that in the course of his research, he was not been able to locate the various “indexs” that are referenced in the team order sheets. Mike Specht pointed me to Vince’s discussion of Pro Stock bats in his latest book (pages 50-51) where I think Vince captures the essence of the “Team Index Bat” very succinctly when he states “Pro Stock bats shipped to professional teams for their players at the Major League or Minor League level are usually associated with player names associated with player names associated with the team franchise.” It is also mentioned that these bats were “on hand for their Major League position players, pitchers and their affiliated minor league teams.”

What I am trying to get at is that a “Pro Stock Bat” is a product and “Team Index” refers more to a process for placing and filling orders, but they are interrelated. Thus, the hobby can either refer to bats ordered in bulk by a team as part of an “Index Order” either as simply Pro Stock Bats or as Team Index bats, or :

TEAM INDEX BAT: A bat ordered for general organizational use that coincides with an established or indexed player model or length.

For Hillerich and Bradsby, these are signature model bats of players of some renown or prominence. All I have been suggesting in my look at Adirondack bats is that why would the McLaughlin-Millard Company be any different, especially since their catalogs state they “reserve the right to sell directly to all professional baseball clubs.”

My premise for stating that I feel the C&D model bats serve as the Adirondack “Pro Stock” or “Team Index” product is based on a review of the catalogs and study of wood quality by “grain count.” I picked up a great bat recently that seems to reinforce this theory. The bat is a 1968-1970 Adirondack 307D Model bat bearing the name PHILIDELPHIA PHILLIES on the barrel. The bat features a grain count of six grains per inch. The retail catalogs from this period make no mention of this type of bat that was clearly ordered for general organizational use.

Vintage Authentics Auctions recently offered two Hank Aaron Adirondack D Model bats; a 1959-1960 82D and a 1968-1970 289D. The descriptions for both items included statements categorizing both of these are “vintage store model bats” that were available for “public sale”. Both bats featured barrel stampings for AARON TYPE. The Aaron Type of Standard Type (as they are referred to) does not appear in the 1957 Adirondack Bat Catalog but does appear in the 1960 Bat Catalog. Once again, there is no mention of the C&D series of products and bats while retail “inch marked” knobs can be found on Adirondack bat products going back to the mid 1940s.

In another previous article, I wrote why I thought Mickey Mantle was a prime candidate fitting a profile for someone who may have likely used “Index Bats.” Consider these two MANTLE TYPE bats.

Mantle, Mickey: 1951-1957, Model 288C

Block name MANTLE TYPE, white lettering, ADIRONDACK above name FLAME TREATED below. Leland’s May 2003. Vintage #7 on knob and provenance form Chicago White Sox bat boy.

Mantle, Mickey: 1961-1967 Model 288D

Block name MANTLE TYPE, ADIRONDACK above name FLAME TREATED below. #7 written on knob. Vintage Authentics November 2007.

The thing is, you will also find Mantle Adirondack bats in other models with his name recorded on the barrel as both “Mickey Mantle” and just “Mantle”. If these C&D model “MANTLE TYPE” bats were used by Mantle, which they may have been, how is their presence explained? I think the “Index Bat Theory” makes as much sense as anything else right now.

For the period of 1959-1960, Hank Aaron’s personal player order sheet only show him ordering 27 bats from Hillerich & Bradsby. An entry can be found on 7-21-61 stating that his new A99 was made off an Adirondack 63B. In 1969, Aaron would also have his model A115 made from an Adirondack Model bat as well. Aaron also ordered 34” from H&B in both 1957 and 1958.

Getting back on track…Was Adirondack supplying the Milwaukee Braves with bats during this time frame? Yes they were. Braves players Del Crandel, Joe Adcock, Bobby Thomson, Alvin Dark and Danny O’Connell were signature endorsers. By 1960, Adirondack was producing “Standard Type” bats for both Aaron and Mathews. For Hall of Famers Aaron, Mathews and Schoendienst we can find examples of their Adirondack period bats in the hobby as well (I have only listed those examples that are clearly not duplicate offerings):

Aaron, Hank;1954-1957 Model 63A

Block name AARON, ADIRONDACK above name PERSONAL MODEL below. Hunt’s November 2005.

Aaron, Hank; 1958-1960 Model 63A

Block name AARON, ADIRONDACK above name PERSONAL MODEL below.Leland’s May 1996.

Mathews, Eddie; 1952-1957 Model 63X

Block name MATHEWS, PERSONAL MODEL above name, LIGNINIZED below Two Toned, white lettering. Grey Flannel September 2006.

Mathews, Eddie; 1951-1957 Model 113A


Mathews, Eddie; 1958-1960 Model 79A

Block name MATHEWS, ADIRONDACK above name PERSONAL MODEL below. Vintage 41 on knob. Grey Flannel June 2002.

Mathews, Eddie; 1958-1960 Model 113A

Block name EDDIE MATHEWS, white lettering ADIRONDACK above name FLAME TREATED below. MASTROs June 2001.

Schoendienst, Red; 1951-1957 Model 52A

Block name SCHOENDIENST, PERSONAL above name MODEL below. REA May 2004.

Schoendienst, Red; 1958-1960 Model 94A

Block name SCHOENDIENST, white lettering, ADIRONDACK above name FLAME TREATED below. Ron Oser, December 2000.

Let’s try to put this into some perspective using the Braves’ hallmark season of 1957 when they defeated the Yankees in the World Series; a series that went the full seven games. Of the regular position players who appeared in at least 5 games, ever notice how many of them we have evidence of their use of Adirondack bats? The answer is more than half.

Hank Aaron: Yes

Joe Adcock: Yes

Wes Covington: No

Del Crandel: Yes

Johnny Logan: No

Eddie Mathews: Yes

Andy Pafko: No

Red Schoendienst: Yes

Frank Torre: No

Does any of this make the 1959-1960 Hank Aaron 82D an Aaron Gamer? The answer is no, but that is not the reason I bid on it or the purpose for this article. Given what I have shown about the information that is actually contained in the retail bat catalogs, the quality of the wood found in C&D model bats, the statement by McLaughlin-Millard about the policy of selling directly to all professional baseball clubs, the fact that Hillerich and Bradsby sold bats to teams at the organizational level, the recent find of the 1968-1970 Adirondack 307D PHILIDELPHIA PHILLES bat, the fact that the 302 series of bats can be found with both “inch length marks” and C&D series model numbers, I remain curious and eager to hear from folks who still consider Adirondack C&D model bats as retail offerings or “store model bats.” I would also be curious to hear why Adirondack would not have produced, marketed and sold a:

TEAM INDEX BAT: A bat ordered for general organizational use that coincides with an established or indexed player model or length.

As always, collect what you enjoy and enjoy what you collect.

Dave Grob

For questions or comments on this article, please feel free to drop me a line at

A few weeks back I wrote a piece on Adirondack C & D Model bats. In it, I took issue with some long held and frequently espoused opinions about these bats being store model bats or those being manufactured for minor league or college use, namely:

1. “These products were available through retail catalog sales to the general public.”

2. “The quality of the wood is not professional grade first growth Northern White Ash” and or “they were produced for minor league players, minor league teams, and colleges.”

To me it seems much more plausible to consider the C & D Model bats the equivalent of the H&B/Louisville Slugger “Index Bats.” This is a commonly used term, but it is not found in of glossary or terms in the Bushing/Knoll MastroNet Guide, the PSA Glossary of Bat Terms, nor in Vince Malta’s latest work. The Hillerich and Bradsby team order sheets contain countless references to “See Index”. For the Hall of Famers listed in Vince Malta’s latest book, Vince has done a great job listing the Pro Stock Model for each of the players and has included a very detailed definition for Pro Stock Model bats.

Logic dictates that for an “index order” to have been filled, that order would have to been placed against some listing or “index”. This index could have been a listing of either popular or Pro Stock Models for various players. Team orders show entries for players that may not have played for the team ordering them or even those players whose playing days had long since passed. In any event, team orders have come to be known as “Team Index Orders” or “Index Bats” for short. I checked with a few folks and Vince Malta,Mike Specht, and John Taube were kind enough to reply with some points of clarification. This was not surprising as I have always found these gentlemen very good about sharing information and thoughts.

Vince informed me that in the course of his research, he was not been able to locate the various “indexs” that are referenced in the team order sheets. Mike Specht pointed me to Vince’s discussion of Pro Stock bats in his latest book (pages 50-51) where I think Vince captures the essence of the “Team Index Bat” very succinctly when he states “Pro Stock bats shipped to professional teams for their players at the Major League or Minor League level are usually associated with player names associated with player names associated with the team franchise.” It is also mentioned that these bats were “on hand for their Major League position players, pitchers and their affiliated minor league teams.”

What I am trying to get at is that a “Pro Stock Bat” is a product and “Team Index” refers more to a process for placing and filling orders, but they are interrelated. Thus, the hobby can either refer to bats ordered in bulk by a team as part of an “Index Order” either as simply Pro Stock Bats or as Team Index bats, or :

TEAM INDEX BAT: A bat ordered for general organizational use that coincides with an established or indexed player model or length.

For Hillerich and Bradsby, these are signature model bats of players of some renown or prominence. All I have been suggesting in my look at Adirondack bats is that why would the McLaughlin-Millard Company be any different, especially since their catalogs state they “reserve the right to sell directly to all professional baseball clubs.”

My premise for stating that I feel the C&D model bats serve as the Adirondack “Pro Stock” or “Team Index” product is based on a review of the catalogs and study of wood quality by “grain count.” I picked up a great bat recently that seems to reinforce this theory. The bat is a 1968-1970 Adirondack 307D Model bat bearing the name PHILIDELPHIA PHILLIES on the barrel. The bat features a grain count of six grains per inch. The retail catalogs from this period make no mention of this type of bat that was clearly ordered for general organizational use.

Vintage Authentics Auctions recently offered two Hank Aaron Adirondack D Model bats; a 1959-1960 82D and a 1968-1970 289D. The descriptions for both items included statements categorizing both of these are “vintage store model bats” that were available for “public sale”. Both bats featured barrel stampings for AARON TYPE. The Aaron Type of Standard Type (as they are referred to) does not appear in the 1957 Adirondack Bat Catalog but does appear in the 1960 Bat Catalog. Once again, there is no mention of the C&D series of products and bats while retail “inch marked” knobs can be found on Adirondack bat products going back to the mid 1940s.

In another previous article, I wrote why I thought Mickey Mantle was a prime candidate fitting a profile for someone who may have likely used “Index Bats.” Consider these two MANTLE TYPE bats.

Mantle, Mickey: 1951-1957, Model 288C

Block name MANTLE TYPE, white lettering, ADIRONDACK above name FLAME TREATED below. Leland’s May 2003. Vintage #7 on knob and provenance form Chicago White Sox bat boy.

Mantle, Mickey: 1961-1967 Model 288D

Block name MANTLE TYPE, ADIRONDACK above name FLAME TREATED below. #7 written on knob. Vintage Authentics November 2007.

The thing is, you will also find Mantle Adirondack bats in other models with his name recorded on the barrel as both “Mickey Mantle” and just “Mantle”. If these C&D model “MANTLE TYPE” bats were used by Mantle, which they may have been, how is their presence explained? I think the “Index Bat Theory” makes as much sense as anything else right now.

For the period of 1959-1960, Hank Aaron’s personal player order sheet only show him ordering 27 bats from Hillerich & Bradsby. An entry can be found on 7-21-61 stating that his new A99 was made off an Adirondack 63B. In 1969, Aaron would also have his model A115 made from an Adirondack Model bat as well. Aaron also ordered 34” from H&B in both 1957 and 1958.

Getting back on track…Was Adirondack supplying the Milwaukee Braves with bats during this time frame? Yes they were. Braves players Del Crandel, Joe Adcock, Bobby Thomson, Alvin Dark and Danny O’Connell were signature endorsers. By 1960, Adirondack was producing “Standard Type” bats for both Aaron and Mathews. For Hall of Famers Aaron, Mathews and Schoendienst we can find examples of their Adirondack period bats in the hobby as well (I have only listed those examples that are clearly not duplicate offerings):

Aaron, Hank;1954-1957 Model 63A

Block name AARON, ADIRONDACK above name PERSONAL MODEL below. Hunt’s November 2005.

Aaron, Hank; 1958-1960 Model 63A

Block name AARON, ADIRONDACK above name PERSONAL MODEL below.Leland’s May 1996.

Mathews, Eddie; 1952-1957 Model 63X

Block name MATHEWS, PERSONAL MODEL above name, LIGNINIZED below Two Toned, white lettering. Grey Flannel September 2006.

Mathews, Eddie; 1951-1957 Model 113A


Mathews, Eddie; 1958-1960 Model 79A

Block name MATHEWS, ADIRONDACK above name PERSONAL MODEL below. Vintage 41 on knob. Grey Flannel June 2002.

Mathews, Eddie; 1958-1960 Model 113A

Block name EDDIE MATHEWS, white lettering ADIRONDACK above name FLAME TREATED below. MASTROs June 2001.

Schoendienst, Red; 1951-1957 Model 52A

Block name SCHOENDIENST, PERSONAL above name MODEL below. REA May 2004.

Schoendienst, Red; 1958-1960 Model 94A

Block name SCHOENDIENST, white lettering, ADIRONDACK above name FLAME TREATED below. Ron Oser, December 2000.

Let’s try to put this into some perspective using the Braves’ hallmark season of 1957 when they defeated the Yankees in the World Series; a series that went the full seven games. Of the regular position players who appeared in at least 5 games, ever notice how many of them we have evidence of their use of Adirondack bats? The answer is more than half.

Hank Aaron: Yes

Joe Adcock: Yes

Wes Covington: No

Del Crandel: Yes

Johnny Logan: No

Eddie Mathews: Yes

Andy Pafko: No

Red Schoendienst: Yes

Frank Torre: No

Does any of this make the 1959-1960 Hank Aaron 82D an Aaron Gamer? The answer is no, but that is not the reason I bid on it or the purpose for this article. Given what I have shown about the information that is actually contained in the retail bat catalogs, the quality of the wood found in C&D model bats, the statement by McLaughlin-Millard about the policy of selling directly to all professional baseball clubs, the fact that Hillerich and Bradsby sold bats to teams at the organizational level, the recent find of the 1968-1970 Adirondack 307D PHILIDELPHIA PHILLES bat, the fact that the 302 series of bats can be found with both “inch length marks” and C&D series model numbers, I remain curious and eager to hear from folks who still consider Adirondack C&D model bats as retail offerings or “store model bats.” I would also be curious to hear why Adirondack would not have produced, marketed and sold a:

TEAM INDEX BAT: A bat ordered for general organizational use that coincides with an established or indexed player model or length.

As always, collect what you enjoy and enjoy what you collect.

Dave Grob

For questions or comments on this article, please feel free to drop me a line at

A while back I started a detailed look at Adirondack bats from the period of 1950-1969. I did this because there just has not been the same amount of information provided as compared to Hillerich and Bradsby products from the same time frame. This is also the period of baseball history where I have always had the greatest interest. One of the more pressing, and at times controversial topics, has to do with Adirondack C&D model bats from this era. There have been two primary justifications offered by some bat authenticators/researchers/collectors in the past for excluding Adirondack C and D model bats from professional use. They are:

1. “These products were available through retail catalog sales to the general public.”

2. “The quality of the wood is not professional grade first growth Northern White Ash” and or “they were produced for minor league players, minor league teams, and colleges.”

To cut to the chase, I have to say that I disagree with both of these justifications that have been offered for years. In looking at this issue, I conducted a survey of Adirondack Bat Product Catalogs spanning the period from 1949 to 1972. Actual years that I was able to obtain retail catalogs of included:











While the catalogs do vary in some manner, there is no mention of C&D models being made available to the general public. There are fairly consistent references to the 302 line of bats being offered as “Finest selection second growth Northern White Ash, professional finish, weight controlled for perfect balance, patterned after models used by famous Major League hitters. Bats to the carton-1 dozen. Lengths 32″-36″. Shipping guaranteed in each carton of one dozen in A B C packaging, four different models in solid packaging.”

Two things I noticed were the facts that these bats all come in even inch measurements. We do know by examples that there are period 302 Adirondack model bats spanning the late 1940s through the late 1960s that feature such inch designations on the knob. The Adirondack retail product catalogs identify a number of variations of the 302 product line. These variations are identified in the center branding as:

302: Finest selection second growth Northern White Ash, professional finish, weight controlled for perfect balance, patterned after models used by famous Major League hitters.

302S: Finest selection second growth Northern White Ash. Manufactured in the same models and types as 302 but turned to slightly smaller specifications to meet requirements of high school and prep school players.

302SP: Finest selection second growth Northern White Ash, professional finish. Special turnings designed for high school, prep school and American Legion players.

302BL: Finest selection second growth Northern White Ash, black finish with gold stamping, weight controlled for perfect balance, patterned after models used by famous Major League hitters.

302SF: Finest selection second growth Northern White Ash, Flame Treated. Manufactured in many of the same models as 302 but turned to slightly smaller specifications for the use of the early youth group.

These bats are advertised as coming in even inch measurements and the examples you find of them come with inch markings on the knob. To me this indicates that these bats with inch markings, and not C&D series designations are the 302 product line being referenced in the retail catalogs. If I am wrong, then what is the product identification difference and why is it not annotated in the retail catalog offerings?

The inch markings on these retail bats are there for a reason. They serve the purpose of product identification on both the part of the shipper and receiver as it relates to pulling and filling an order and verifying the order on the other end. The lettering reference in the catalogs refers to order mix and assortment and nothing to with models. Compare the language from the 1951 and 1969 catalogs. If the C&D series were offered in the catalogs, then why is their no mention of them or any distinction made between them and what might show up in your order as opposed to the bats that feature inch marks.

Consider these representative catalog offerings:

1951: The 302 product line is described as being for sale in lengths of 32-36” from the models above with 6 different models guaranteed in each carton of 1 dozen bats in A B C packaging, 4 different models in solid packaging.

Package A-Assorted Models-1/33”, 4/34”, 5/35”, 2/36”

Package B- Assorted Models-4/33”,4/34”,4/35”

Package C- Assorted Models-2/34”, 6/35”, 4/36”

Solid Lengths 32”-36”

1969: The 302 product line is described as being for sale in lengths of 32-36” from the models above with 6 different models guaranteed in each carton of 1 dozen bats in A B C packaging, 4 different models in solid packaging.

Package A-Assorted Models-3/33”, 6/34”, 3/35”

Package B- Assorted Models-2/32”,4/33”, 6/34”

Package C- Assorted Models-2/34”, 6/35”, 4/36”

Solid Lengths Package: All bats in one length 32”-36” with a minimum of 4 players names per dozen. Standard Assortment Package: Various lengths ranging from 32” to 35” and at least 6 different players names per dozen.

The 1972 Catalog, in describing the 302 line of products says that “Adirondack baseball bats are available in a wide variety of “name” models, differing in balance, barrel and handle design, and taper. Certain bats listed as “personal models” are used and exclusively endorsed by Adirondack’s Professional Advisory Staff.” The catalog goes on to break down the signature model names and standard model names and the various packaging options (A,B,C, D, etc) by assortment of quantity and size offerings.

Nothing in the retail catalogs from 1949-1972 indicates to me or implies you are getting C&D series bats as opposed to products that will come with “inch” designations. Of course I would have loved to have seen a catalog from each and every year, but I feel the sample I had access to is sufficient for me to offer the theory I have. If a collector or researcher has a catalog that I do not have and it references the C&D series line of 302 product, I would love to see it.

Directly tied to this point is the second justification that C&D model bats were the 302 line of products mentioned as being as being made from “Finest selection second growth Northern White Ash. To understand what this means, it is helpful to actually know the difference between “first and second growth” and how do you tell.

While you will find definitions for old and second growth forests, my understanding of first growth means the early or first growth of the tree selected. Page 109 of “Crack of the Bat: The Louisville Slugger Story” by Bob Hill seems to confirm this. Jack Norton, then administrative manager of Hillerich and Bradsby states that “only the first log from the lower 10 feet of the tree will make a good bat. Your getting into defects in the upper part of the tree.” If I am wrong about this definition of first growth vs second growth and it has to do with the forest, the thing to focus on is what makes the wood pro-quality and how do you know. I have asked this same question to various bat experts and have often heard that “you can hear the difference in good wood.” While I am not disputing this, I did not want my look at this subject to hinge on something as subjective as this.

According to an article in the March 1st 2003 Forest Products Journal dealing with professional grade wood for baseball bats, it was identified that “the current perception of major league players is that six to eight growth rings per inch produce the ideal white ash baseball bat. It is because of this perception that Louisville Slugger produces baseball bats with 6 to 12 growth rings per inch for the major leagues and up to 15 growth rings per inch for the minor leagues.” The grain pattern or width between grains on the knob of the bat reveals the same information with respect to spacing for growth rings per inch. This is further explained in the graphic I have prepared showing how growth rings show up on the knob of a bat. You can see the same thing on the barrel end, but I have used the knob as that is were the markings are. This was further corroborated by the statement found in the U.S. Patient document application and patient for a wood graining tool (#281588 dtd 04/16/1996). This document states “the annular growth rings of trees display primary grain patterns according to the method utilized in sawing the wood.”

What all of this means is that if the C&D models are made of less than professional grade wood, there should a be visible and noticeable difference in the grain spacing with respect to Adirondack A& B bats as well as professional grade H&B products when compared to Adirondack C&D model bats. In the sample provided, you will see a couple of things. First, the “rings per inch” for these bats are all within the desired 6-12 rings per inch that is sought in professional quality wood. Measurements were taken by finding the center of the knob and counting the rings 1/2” either side of that. I also looked at Hillerich and Bradsby professional model I am very comfortable with being used at the major league level based on markings, player characteristics and other factors such as stamping as World Series bats.

I spent a good deal of time and money looking at this and buying both “inched marked bats” and C&D model bats. The store model or retail bats for both Hillerich & Bradsby and Adirondack as indicated by the “inch markings” seem to confirm the concept of more rings for lesser quality bats. Consider the two Babe Ruth Adirondack “Ruth Type” bats. Both appear to me the same model by relative dimensions and taper as well as knob size and style. Yet one has “inch marks” and the other is a D series 302 model bat. The “inch marked” Ruth Type bat features 13 grains per inch while the D series features 7 per inch.

Other “inch marked” or catalog 302 series bats I have obtained that cover a wide period show:

Circa 1946 TERRY STYLE 34” marked bat: 13 grains per inch

1948-1950 Larry Doby 35” marked bat: 11 grains per inch

1951-1957 Gil Hodges 35” marked bat: 13 grains per inch

1968-1970 MANTLE STYLE 34” marked bat: 14 grains per inch

One thing I have never heard offered as a theory about C&D model bats is that they are actually the equivalent of Hillerich and Bradsby “Team Index Bats.” The 1949 and 1951 McLaughlin-Millard catalog contains the statement that “We reserve the right to sell direct to all professional baseball clubs.” C&D series bats as “Team Index Bats” would explain a couple of things.

1. The quality of wood as evident in the ring count.

2. Their presence at both the minor league and collegiate level.

3. Their presence at the major league level in other instances other than the “Whitey Ford World Series bat.”

4. The inch markings on “302” bats that come from retail catalog sales and the quality of the wood indicated in the growth ring count.

Some researchers and collectors feel Hillerich and Bradsby “Team Index Bats” ordered by the clubs were for general club use and not player specific use. The question is how do we know? What we do know is that they ordered them and may have been used by any player. This is not so much about the who used “Team Index Bats,” but rather asking the question why would McLaughlin-Millard Adirondack be any different in supplying them. We also know that the Hillerich and Bradsby Team Index orders were not restricted to the ordering of bats/models for players who played for the team ordering them.

The Boston Red Sox were ordering Babe Ruth (R 43) and Lou Gehrig (G69) model bats in 1947. In 1955, the Philadelphia Phillies ordered Stan Musial (M117) model bats. This was at a point in time when Musial was no longer a “signature model” endorser with Hillerich and Bradsby. We know this because Musial’s 1955 All Star Game bats bore the identification of Musial Model (page 103 of Donald Honig’s The All Star Game: A Pictorial History, 1933 to Present.” The 1962 St. Louis Cardinals ordered Henry Aaron (R43) bats.

From what I have gathered and based on my research, I don’t feel the C&D series bats were the 302 line of product referenced in the retail catalogs any more than I feel the quality of the wood was not professional grade. Since I took to question what has been a long standing “given” in the hobby, I would ask that collectors and researchers who still feel the C&D series bats are the retail 302 product line offered in the cataloges explain two things in similar detail that I have. My questions to them are:

1. How would a person ordering or filling an order for bats know to ask for or ship either a 34”/35” inch marked bat or a C or D series bat if no distinction is made in the catalogs and there is not mention of C&D series bats?

2. If grain count is not the indicator for professional quality wood, what is it and how is to be seen in the C&D series bats?

Until such a time as the hobby gets access to the actual production information and records for Adirondack bats, I feel considering C&D series Adirondack Bats as the equivalent of H&B Pro Stock or “Team Index” bats much more plausible than the theories that they were retail bats or those produced for minor league or collegiate use. This DOES NOT mean that any and all C&D series bats bearing a players name were used by the player any more than it does for the H&B counterparts. What it could mean is that these bats may have been mis-categorized and undervalued for well over almost two decades.

As always, collect what you enjoy and enjoy what you collect.

Dave Grob

For questions and comments on this article, please feel free to drop me a line at

POST SCRIPT: I would like to thank Joe Petrole and John Taube for trading copies of cataloges I had for copies of ones I did not. They may not share my opinion on C&D series bats, but their willingness to trade references needed to be acknowledged. This article was published ahead of my larger work that is still in the works. To date, with the help of collectors like Joe Petrole, I have been able to identify some 52 players and 108 model bats not listed in either Bats by Malta, Foxx, Riddell & Specht or the Bushing & Knoll MastroNet Bat Guide. My focus is only on the period of the 1950s and 1960s so there are undoubtably more.

A while back I started a detailed look at Adirondack bats from the period of 1950-1969. I did this because there just has not been the same amount of information provided as compared to Hillerich and Bradsby products from the same time frame. This is also the period of baseball history where I have always had the greatest interest. One of the more pressing, and at times controversial topics, has to do with Adirondack C&D model bats from this era. There have been two primary justifications offered by some bat authenticators/researchers/collectors in the past for excluding Adirondack C and D model bats from professional use. They are:

1. “These products were available through retail catalog sales to the general public.”

2. “The quality of the wood is not professional grade first growth Northern White Ash” and or “they were produced for minor league players, minor league teams, and colleges.”

To cut to the chase, I have to say that I disagree with both of these justifications that have been offered for years. In looking at this issue, I conducted a survey of Adirondack Bat Product Catalogs spanning the period from 1949 to 1972. Actual years that I was able to obtain retail catalogs of included:











While the catalogs do vary in some manner, there is no mention of C&D models being made available to the general public. There are fairly consistent references to the 302 line of bats being offered as “Finest selection second growth Northern White Ash, professional finish, weight controlled for perfect balance, patterned after models used by famous Major League hitters. Bats to the carton-1 dozen. Lengths 32″-36″. Shipping guaranteed in each carton of one dozen in A B C packaging, four different models in solid packaging.”

Two things I noticed were the facts that these bats all come in even inch measurements. We do know by examples that there are period 302 Adirondack model bats spanning the late 1940s through the late 1960s that feature such inch designations on the knob. The Adirondack retail product catalogs identify a number of variations of the 302 product line. These variations are identified in the center branding as:

302: Finest selection second growth Northern White Ash, professional finish, weight controlled for perfect balance, patterned after models used by famous Major League hitters.

302S: Finest selection second growth Northern White Ash. Manufactured in the same models and types as 302 but turned to slightly smaller specifications to meet requirements of high school and prep school players.

302SP: Finest selection second growth Northern White Ash, professional finish. Special turnings designed for high school, prep school and American Legion players.

302BL: Finest selection second growth Northern White Ash, black finish with gold stamping, weight controlled for perfect balance, patterned after models used by famous Major League hitters.

302SF: Finest selection second growth Northern White Ash, Flame Treated. Manufactured in many of the same models as 302 but turned to slightly smaller specifications for the use of the early youth group.

These bats are advertised as coming in even inch measurements and the examples you find of them come with inch markings on the knob. To me this indicates that these bats with inch markings, and not C&D series designations are the 302 product line being referenced in the retail catalogs. If I am wrong, then what is the product identification difference and why is it not annotated in the retail catalog offerings?

The inch markings on these retail bats are there for a reason. They serve the purpose of product identification on both the part of the shipper and receiver as it relates to pulling and filling an order and verifying the order on the other end. The lettering reference in the catalogs refers to order mix and assortment and nothing to with models. Compare the language from the 1951 and 1969 catalogs. If the C&D series were offered in the catalogs, then why is their no mention of them or any distinction made between them and what might show up in your order as opposed to the bats that feature inch marks.

Consider these representative catalog offerings:

1951: The 302 product line is described as being for sale in lengths of 32-36” from the models above with 6 different models guaranteed in each carton of 1 dozen bats in A B C packaging, 4 different models in solid packaging.

Package A-Assorted Models-1/33”, 4/34”, 5/35”, 2/36”

Package B- Assorted Models-4/33”,4/34”,4/35”

Package C- Assorted Models-2/34”, 6/35”, 4/36”

Solid Lengths 32”-36”

1969: The 302 product line is described as being for sale in lengths of 32-36” from the models above with 6 different models guaranteed in each carton of 1 dozen bats in A B C packaging, 4 different models in solid packaging.

Package A-Assorted Models-3/33”, 6/34”, 3/35”

Package B- Assorted Models-2/32”,4/33”, 6/34”

Package C- Assorted Models-2/34”, 6/35”, 4/36”

Solid Lengths Package: All bats in one length 32”-36” with a minimum of 4 players names per dozen. Standard Assortment Package: Various lengths ranging from 32” to 35” and at least 6 different players names per dozen.

The 1972 Catalog, in describing the 302 line of products says that “Adirondack baseball bats are available in a wide variety of “name” models, differing in balance, barrel and handle design, and taper. Certain bats listed as “personal models” are used and exclusively endorsed by Adirondack’s Professional Advisory Staff.” The catalog goes on to break down the signature model names and standard model names and the various packaging options (A,B,C, D, etc) by assortment of quantity and size offerings.

Nothing in the retail catalogs from 1949-1972 indicates to me or implies you are getting C&D series bats as opposed to products that will come with “inch” designations. Of course I would have loved to have seen a catalog from each and every year, but I feel the sample I had access to is sufficient for me to offer the theory I have. If a collector or researcher has a catalog that I do not have and it references the C&D series line of 302 product, I would love to see it.

Directly tied to this point is the second justification that C&D model bats were the 302 line of products mentioned as being as being made from “Finest selection second growth Northern White Ash. To understand what this means, it is helpful to actually know the difference between “first and second growth” and how do you tell.

While you will find definitions for old and second growth forests, my understanding of first growth means the early or first growth of the tree selected. Page 109 of “Crack of the Bat: The Louisville Slugger Story” by Bob Hill seems to confirm this. Jack Norton, then administrative manager of Hillerich and Bradsby states that “only the first log from the lower 10 feet of the tree will make a good bat. Your getting into defects in the upper part of the tree.” If I am wrong about this definition of first growth vs second growth and it has to do with the forest, the thing to focus on is what makes the wood pro-quality and how do you know. I have asked this same question to various bat experts and have often heard that “you can hear the difference in good wood.” While I am not disputing this, I did not want my look at this subject to hinge on something as subjective as this.

According to an article in the March 1st 2003 Forest Products Journal dealing with professional grade wood for baseball bats, it was identified that “the current perception of major league players is that six to eight growth rings per inch produce the ideal white ash baseball bat. It is because of this perception that Louisville Slugger produces baseball bats with 6 to 12 growth rings per inch for the major leagues and up to 15 growth rings per inch for the minor leagues.” The grain pattern or width between grains on the knob of the bat reveals the same information with respect to spacing for growth rings per inch. This is further explained in the graphic I have prepared showing how growth rings show up on the knob of a bat. You can see the same thing on the barrel end, but I have used the knob as that is were the markings are. This was further corroborated by the statement found in the U.S. Patient document application and patient for a wood graining tool (#281588 dtd 04/16/1996). This document states “the annular growth rings of trees display primary grain patterns according to the method utilized in sawing the wood.”

What all of this means is that if the C&D models are made of less than professional grade wood, there should a be visible and noticeable difference in the grain spacing with respect to Adirondack A& B bats as well as professional grade H&B products when compared to Adirondack C&D model bats. In the sample provided, you will see a couple of things. First, the “rings per inch” for these bats are all within the desired 6-12 rings per inch that is sought in professional quality wood. Measurements were taken by finding the center of the knob and counting the rings 1/2” either side of that. I also looked at Hillerich and Bradsby professional model I am very comfortable with being used at the major league level based on markings, player characteristics and other factors such as stamping as World Series bats.

I spent a good deal of time and money looking at this and buying both “inched marked bats” and C&D model bats. The store model or retail bats for both Hillerich & Bradsby and Adirondack as indicated by the “inch markings” seem to confirm the concept of more rings for lesser quality bats. Consider the two Babe Ruth Adirondack “Ruth Type” bats. Both appear to me the same model by relative dimensions and taper as well as knob size and style. Yet one has “inch marks” and the other is a D series 302 model bat. The “inch marked” Ruth Type bat features 13 grains per inch while the D series features 7 per inch.

Other “inch marked” or catalog 302 series bats I have obtained that cover a wide period show:

Circa 1946 TERRY STYLE 34” marked bat: 13 grains per inch

1948-1950 Larry Doby 35” marked bat: 11 grains per inch

1951-1957 Gil Hodges 35” marked bat: 13 grains per inch

1968-1970 MANTLE STYLE 34” marked bat: 14 grains per inch

One thing I have never heard offered as a theory about C&D model bats is that they are actually the equivalent of Hillerich and Bradsby “Team Index Bats.” The 1949 and 1951 McLaughlin-Millard catalog contains the statement that “We reserve the right to sell direct to all professional baseball clubs.” C&D series bats as “Team Index Bats” would explain a couple of things.

1. The quality of wood as evident in the ring count.

2. Their presence at both the minor league and collegiate level.

3. Their presence at the major league level in other instances other than the “Whitey Ford World Series bat.”

4. The inch markings on “302” bats that come from retail catalog sales and the quality of the wood indicated in the growth ring count.

Some researchers and collectors feel Hillerich and Bradsby “Team Index Bats” ordered by the clubs were for general club use and not player specific use. The question is how do we know? What we do know is that they ordered them and may have been used by any player. This is not so much about the who used “Team Index Bats,” but rather asking the question why would McLaughlin-Millard Adirondack be any different in supplying them. We also know that the Hillerich and Bradsby Team Index orders were not restricted to the ordering of bats/models for players who played for the team ordering them.

The Boston Red Sox were ordering Babe Ruth (R 43) and Lou Gehrig (G69) model bats in 1947. In 1955, the Philadelphia Phillies ordered Stan Musial (M117) model bats. This was at a point in time when Musial was no longer a “signature model” endorser with Hillerich and Bradsby. We know this because Musial’s 1955 All Star Game bats bore the identification of Musial Model (page 103 of Donald Honig’s The All Star Game: A Pictorial History, 1933 to Present.” The 1962 St. Louis Cardinals ordered Henry Aaron (R43) bats.

From what I have gathered and based on my research, I don’t feel the C&D series bats were the 302 line of product referenced in the retail catalogs any more than I feel the quality of the wood was not professional grade. Since I took to question what has been a long standing “given” in the hobby, I would ask that collectors and researchers who still feel the C&D series bats are the retail 302 product line offered in the cataloges explain two things in similar detail that I have. My questions to them are:

1. How would a person ordering or filling an order for bats know to ask for or ship either a 34”/35” inch marked bat or a C or D series bat if no distinction is made in the catalogs and there is not mention of C&D series bats?

2. If grain count is not the indicator for professional quality wood, what is it and how is to be seen in the C&D series bats?

Until such a time as the hobby gets access to the actual production information and records for Adirondack bats, I feel considering C&D series Adirondack Bats as the equivalent of H&B Pro Stock or “Team Index” bats much more plausible than the theories that they were retail bats or those produced for minor league or collegiate use. This DOES NOT mean that any and all C&D series bats bearing a players name were used by the player any more than it does for the H&B counterparts. What it could mean is that these bats may have been mis-categorized and undervalued for well over almost two decades.

As always, collect what you enjoy and enjoy what you collect.

Dave Grob

For questions and comments on this article, please feel free to drop me a line at

POST SCRIPT: I would like to thank Joe Petrole and John Taube for trading copies of cataloges I had for copies of ones I did not. They may not share my opinion on C&D series bats, but their willingness to trade references needed to be acknowledged. This article was published ahead of my larger work that is still in the works. To date, with the help of collectors like Joe Petrole, I have been able to identify some 52 players and 108 model bats not listed in either Bats by Malta, Foxx, Riddell & Specht or the Bushing & Knoll MastroNet Bat Guide. My focus is only on the period of the 1950s and 1960s so there are undoubtably more.