
Working with Troy Kinunen and the MEARS Online Auctions was a wonderful experience for my family and me. My father died in August of 2013 at the age of 80.  He was an avid baseball fan, a prior clubhouse manager for the Milwaukee Braves, and a serious sports memorabilia collector.  In his middle and later years, he purchased cards, pictures, autographs, jerseys, bats, etc.  His penchant for collecting knew few bounds, and everything he owned had meaning to him.  I’m quite sure that much of his collection told the story of his life and held powerful memories for him, particularly Milwaukee Braves items. 

After my father died, my family and I were faced with the daunting task of bringing together his extensive collection and finding an honest and worthy buyer.  Several suitors courted us, as my father’s collection was relatively well-known.  We contacted Troy Kinunen, however, in order to sell the collection at MEARS Online Auctions.  Not only did Troy know my father personally, but he honestly appraised the collection immediately and informed us of his standard operating procedures.  In all his interactions, he was both forthright and kind. 

Before Troy placed the collection online, he spent hours reviewing and organizing its contents. He also wrote a stirring memorial to my father.  Troy based the narrative on his interactions with my father as the two knew one another through the Milwaukee area sports collectors’ network.  He also based it on the story of my dad’s life as told through his collection.  We have since printed the piece as a booklet and shared it with family members.  Ultimately, my father’s sports collection sold at the high end of the appraised value.  It did so because Troy knew the collection, prepared it painstakingly for sale, and honored it with his beautiful tribute to my father.  We are most grateful to Troy for his good, honest, and impassioned efforts, and we would recommend him to anyone considering selling their valued memorabilia.

James Topitzes & Family


I won the Larry Bird 1986 game worn NBA Finals shoes from a recent MEARS Online Auction and just wanted to express my thanks to you and your staff for the outstanding customer service.

The communication was superb and the shoes arrived promptly and well packaged. I have been looking for a pair of shoes such as these for well over a decade and your company afforded me the opportunity to purchase the finest pair to ever hit the market. 

Just incredible! Thanks again from a very satisfied customer.

Joe C


I am the proud owner of what is now universally considered the premier collection of game used bats and jerseys in the world. The staff of MEARS was my personal consultant when I purchased the 1923 Babe Ruth 1st HR bat from Yankee Stadium for a current World Record Price of $1.26 million dollars. I would not have even considered purchasing such an item without his due diligence, vast knowledge, and over 25 years of hobby experience. When he told me it was the hobby’s Holy Grail, his opinion gave me the confidence to bid to success.

With the gargantuan financial responsibilities associated with adding and maintaining my collection, I would only consult with the expert staff at MEARS when purchasing game used/worn baseball memorabilia.

Their grading system is revolutionary, and a must have when evaluating historically significant baseball artifacts. Their pioneering system of awarding grades helps collectors detail the important minutia which aids a collector in understanding the nuances of high grade sports memorabilia. The use of their worksheet, 40-step analysis, and full color digital photography used in their final Letter of Opinion separate them from the competition.

I consider MEARS pioneers in this industry and the opinions and grades assigned from their company MEARS, is the rock-solid cornerstone of any serious memorabilia collection.

Dr. Richard Angrist
World Renown Owner of the Greatest Collection of Game Used Bats and Jerseys


“I am honored for the consideration of being affiliated with the MEARS group. This should prove to be a safe haven for sports collectors and investors by enriching their knowledge in the fields of authentication, grading and population generated from the finest experts in their respected fields. One can expect this offering to revolutionize the way the hobby is perceived and bring new interest into our growing industry.”