Are you tired of being duped or mislead by figures from our National Pastime? I am and I’m not talking about the recent hearings on Capital Hill. Growing up as a young baseball fan in the 1970s, I bought the cards and I bought the hype. I bought the Catfish Hunter story hook, line, and sinker. We believed it because it was a great story from a great showman. A’s owner Charlie Finely thought that having Hunter identified with a colorful nickname would only help the ace pitcher’s appeal. It sounded great; kid from North Carolina takes off for days, whereabouts unknown to concerned parents, only to reappear with a stringer full of Catfish.

Back then, I did not know anything about imagery analysis …but the clues were there and I missed them. I should have realized this the first time I plunked down a dime in 1973 and pulled Topps card #344, Jim Hunter: Boyhood Photos of the Stars. He was Hound Dog Hunter. In taking a detailed look at this card, now much later with years of experience in looking at images, I can say without a doubt that the animals in the picture are not catfish, but are in fact dogs. While some have argued that on-line images can be misdated and baseball cards not always accurate, I confirmed this by watching the Westminster Kennel Club show on TV recently. The animals in the Topps card are not fish. Hound Dog Hunter.

Are you tired of being duped or mislead by figures from our National Pastime? I am and I’m not talking about the recent hearings on Capital Hill. Growing up as a young baseball fan in the 1970s, I bought the cards and I bought the hype. I bought the Catfish Hunter story hook, line, and sinker. We believed it because it was a great story from a great showman. A’s owner Charlie Finely thought that having Hunter identified with a colorful nickname would only help the ace pitcher’s appeal. It sounded great; kid from North Carolina takes off for days, whereabouts unknown to concerned parents, only to reappear with a stringer full of Catfish.

Back then, I did not know anything about imagery analysis …but the clues were there and I missed them. I should have realized this the first time I plunked down a dime in 1973 and pulled Topps card #344, Jim Hunter: Boyhood Photos of the Stars. He was Hound Dog Hunter. In taking a detailed look at this card, now much later with years of experience in looking at images, I can say without a doubt that the animals in the picture are not catfish, but are in fact dogs. While some have argued that on-line images can be misdated and baseball cards not always accurate, I confirmed this by watching the Westminster Kennel Club show on TV recently. The animals in the Topps card are not fish. Hound Dog Hunter.